Perl script to figure out change in service schema

As we have already shipped OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0; and we are working on the next official release, service schema XML files are likely to change (upgrade). Here is the PERL script that finds them.

Remember to set the values of $EIGHT_DOT_ZERO and $CURRENT

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $EIGHT_DOT_ZERO = '/home/dennis/workspace/opensso8.0';
my $CURRENT = '/home/dennis/workspace/opensso1';

my %eightdotXMLs;
my %currentXMLs;


foreach (keys %currentXMLs) {
    my $name = $_;
    my $rev = $currentXMLs{$_};
    if (! defined $eightdotXMLs{$name}) {
        print "$name ($rev) \n";

sub getServiceXMLs {
    my $base = shift;
    my $hash = shift;
    opendir(DIR, $base);
    foreach (readdir DIR) {
        my $f = $_;
        if (($f !~ /^\./) && ($f =~ /\.xml$/)) {
            getRev("$base/$f", $hash);
    closedir DIR;

sub getRev {
    my $file = shift;
    my $hash = shift;
    my $f = $file;
    $f =~ s/.+\///;
    my $buff = '';
    open(FILE, $file);
    while () {
        $buff .= $_;
    close FILE;
    if ($buff =~ /<Schema .+?revisionNumber="(.+?)"/) {
        ${%{$hash}}{$f} = $1;       
    } else {
        ${%{$hash}}{$f} = 0;

Author: dennisseah

Dennis works for Microsoft Corporation and is based in the Bay Area of California. He has over 25 years of professional software development working experience. He shares his views and opinions on interesting matters that he has encountered. All his writings are solely his own opinions and views; and do not reflect the perspectives of any companies and/or organizations.

2 thoughts on “Perl script to figure out change in service schema”

  1. I just did a cursory look at the code.

    I think your blog server created a defect to your script, by removing what it probably thought was an HTML tag.

    The loop in the while loop in getRev subroutine be:

    while (<FILE>) {

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